Sorry for the short post, just saying that in 10 minutes I'll be starting my 40 hour Famine in which I am going without Internet and food. If you wanna donate see my Famine Profile and click Donate!
PS Will add a longer post when I'm finished on Sunday :)
Friday, 17 August 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
What? I am only just about to start my third week, and I am drowning in schoolwork ALREADY!? Maybe because I procrastinate so much. Procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate..... it's what I am doing right now, actually. This post is me veering off my music homework and revision, and don't even get me started on how much Maths I have to catch up on.
Many, if not all, students procrastinate at one time or another. It is for a few reasons, but they all come down to the same sort of thing. One reason is that what you are putting off is usually a big thing to accomplish and seems overwhelming to face it so you put it off endlessly. Another is whether you like what you are doing or not. For example, my Maths homework is last on my to do list because I dislike maths and do not want to do it at all, and my Music homework I am (well, supposedly) doing right now (yeah right, blog blog blog...) because I enjoy Music the most out of all of my subjects.
This enjoyment can sometimes but not always, come down to ability and skill in the field. I am good at Music, and I love it. I am okay at maths, and I despise it. But, exceptions, such as my liking of Chemistry despite my obvious inability to understand what the hell I am doing in the class, shows that this isn't always the case.
Another thing: Decision making. I am s**t at making decisions, I always have been wuite indecisive. Making decisions is scary for me because what feels right could be wrong, and that will b my own fault and I will feel ashamed if it is a group situation, and have let down my peers. I also hate making decisions because I often want both things, which I cannot always have.
And another: Distractions. Things you want to and would much rather do than your work.
Prioritising. Planning. Just do it. It's all meaningless really because I know exactly what I have to do, I just don't.
Now, fellow procrastinators, if you are running out of things to do instead of what you should, I share with you a list of things that I do. Not that you will, becuase procrastination is a built in skill with every mind and it should never fail to find ways to waste time.
Dear friends: Did I ever tell you guys that I love you? I love you. All of you. Yes, even you Psycho if you are reading this. ♥.♥ And Belle, and Ruby, and Prima, and Alex, and people who I don't even know who may be reading this. Except you. I don't like you, little man over there in the corner. But the rest of you I love.
LOL (Lots Of Love),
(AKA Emmr)
What? I am only just about to start my third week, and I am drowning in schoolwork ALREADY!? Maybe because I procrastinate so much. Procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate..... it's what I am doing right now, actually. This post is me veering off my music homework and revision, and don't even get me started on how much Maths I have to catch up on.
Many, if not all, students procrastinate at one time or another. It is for a few reasons, but they all come down to the same sort of thing. One reason is that what you are putting off is usually a big thing to accomplish and seems overwhelming to face it so you put it off endlessly. Another is whether you like what you are doing or not. For example, my Maths homework is last on my to do list because I dislike maths and do not want to do it at all, and my Music homework I am (well, supposedly) doing right now (yeah right, blog blog blog...) because I enjoy Music the most out of all of my subjects.
This enjoyment can sometimes but not always, come down to ability and skill in the field. I am good at Music, and I love it. I am okay at maths, and I despise it. But, exceptions, such as my liking of Chemistry despite my obvious inability to understand what the hell I am doing in the class, shows that this isn't always the case.
Another thing: Decision making. I am s**t at making decisions, I always have been wuite indecisive. Making decisions is scary for me because what feels right could be wrong, and that will b my own fault and I will feel ashamed if it is a group situation, and have let down my peers. I also hate making decisions because I often want both things, which I cannot always have.
And another: Distractions. Things you want to and would much rather do than your work.
Prioritising. Planning. Just do it. It's all meaningless really because I know exactly what I have to do, I just don't.
Now, fellow procrastinators, if you are running out of things to do instead of what you should, I share with you a list of things that I do. Not that you will, becuase procrastination is a built in skill with every mind and it should never fail to find ways to waste time.
- Blogging
- Youtube
- Looing up sexy pictures of David Tennant (idonotdothisit'sjustanexamplewhatareyoutalkingaboutstopaccusingme *shiftylook*)
- Scramble With Friends!
- Eating
- Eating
- Eating
- Reading
- Pondering life
- Showering
- Sleeping
- Going overboard with long posts
- Scouring the dark corners of the internet for every last trace of information on Johnny Depp
- Planning totally unnecessary cosplays
- Going to the post office to check if my eBay Cosplay items have arrived yet (which I know perfectly well they have not)
- Eating
- Gaming
- Playing cards
- Anything
- Writing lists of things that I need to do
- Researching psychological reasons for procrastination
- Looking up terrible jokes
"I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any."
Oops, it seems that a little of my procrastination has made it's way into this post!
Dear friends: Did I ever tell you guys that I love you? I love you. All of you. Yes, even you Psycho if you are reading this. ♥.♥ And Belle, and Ruby, and Prima, and Alex, and people who I don't even know who may be reading this. Except you. I don't like you, little man over there in the corner. But the rest of you I love.
LOL (Lots Of Love),
(AKA Emmr)
Sunday, 17 June 2012
How do you view yourself?
Metacognition - Thinking about your thinking.
"What type of personality do you have?"
"Um....Let me get back to you on that..."
Looking at yourself from a subjective viewpoint is an interesting thing to do, it makes you really see who you are. Summarise these things into a few phrases that describe you. Then, next time someone asks you to define your personality, you will have a clearer idea and a quicker reply. Different people will have different views of others through their own subjective viewpoint, but one's own belief of who they are is most likely to be the most accurate description, depending on their view of themselves. For instance, if somebody is pessimistic, they are more likely going to see themmselves as a failure or see themselves in a bad way; whereas an optimist is more likely to see themself as a good person who tries their best too make the world a better place. Please note that the only source of this article is my own thoughts, so it is in no way credible and this may not make any sense whatsoever to anyone else, and may be very untrue to some people. But in my mind, it certainly is interesting.
For example, I see myself as a marginally insecure, sometimes lonely, overquestioning perfectionist.
I try and be optimistic, and I am most of the time, but my tendency to overthink things and look too deeply into things can sometimes make me see things, such as myself, or others, or events, in a different way that is not always good. This is how I get myself down, and begin to feel insecure. I try and avoid overthinking most things when it is unneccessary to do so, as it will only make me feel sad or disappointed. Anyway, I just thought this was an interesting topic to share with you this evening. If you are comfortable, I would be most interested to see a summary of how you define yourself, so leave a comment if you like. No pressure though :)
Good evening.
- Emma
P.S.-Metacognition may not be the right word to use-I haven't yet done my research on this topic. Forgive me for any false imformation that is presented.
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This cow is thinking about himself. :D |
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Cheekbones ♥
Dedicated to Shining Sunlight, this is a post all about cheekbones.
Okay, so I have a thing about men with cheekbones. They are just amazing.
♥ Johnny Depp ♥
♥ Colin Morgan ♥
♥ Matt Smith ♥
♥ Benedict Cumberbatch ♥
Marvel in the pure beauty of their cheekbones.
Okay, so I have a thing about men with cheekbones. They are just amazing.
♥ Johnny Depp ♥
♥ Colin Morgan ♥
♥ Matt Smith ♥
♥ Benedict Cumberbatch ♥
Marvel in the pure beauty of their cheekbones.
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Johnny Depp (how is he so sexy at age 49??) (this is for Ruby too) |
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Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock |
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Colin Morgan as Jethro in Doctor Who |
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Matt Smith as The Doctor Gosh these guys are handsome. |
Theme Change!
Okay, so my old background was annoying me. I don't know why, maybe it's just been the same too long. So I searched seamless images, and found this pretty blue flowers one :) Which also means that I have to change all the other green things to blue. Oh well, it looks refreshing and new with the blue. Opinions?
Okay, I have been very lazy and not blogged at all since I started my blog. Also because I forget that I have a blog, I am busy with other things, and I just can't think of anything to say. Ha, I told myself upon the beginning of this blog that I would only post interesting things that somebody who doesn't know me will read, and think, "Well, that was interesting. I now know something new." Well, seeing as I haven't managed that, who cares. With my new resolve, I know just what to talk about: The sweet, sweet feeling of relief that has come with the end of this week because it means....
*dramatic pause*
THAT ALL OF MY ASSESSMENT IS DONE!!!!!! No more annoying assignments and things to worry about and things to do and a sense of guilt whilst procrastinating or not doing anything. Sigh.
List of assignments/exams, all due in the past week or two:
English - Epilogue (re-drafting)
Maths - Exam (piles of revision)
SOSE - ed Studio (research)
Science - Presentation (research)
ICT - Cert I Submission (finishing stuff I forgot about at the last minute)
Music - Composition/Arrangement, Performance and Jazz Analysis Essay. (creating, practising and more research -.-)
But now, they are all over! Complete! Done! Finished! And I can relax! And I did today, I slept in until 1. And did NOTHING all day. And that felt great. :)
That's all for now, because I am getting a headache from staring at the computer for hours. Hope you enjoyed my extremely uninteresting post about my boring and more or less average life.
Feel free to add a comment, and I will be most glad to have a discussion with you about the painful thing called school, and have an educated debate about who is better at procrastination >:D Anyways, until next time, Adios Amigos! :D :D :D :D
I will leave you with this most beautiful photo of my cat, which by the way I took myself :3
*dramatic pause*
THAT ALL OF MY ASSESSMENT IS DONE!!!!!! No more annoying assignments and things to worry about and things to do and a sense of guilt whilst procrastinating or not doing anything. Sigh.
List of assignments/exams, all due in the past week or two:
English - Epilogue (re-drafting)
Maths - Exam (piles of revision)
SOSE - ed Studio (research)
Science - Presentation (research)
ICT - Cert I Submission (finishing stuff I forgot about at the last minute)
Music - Composition/Arrangement, Performance and Jazz Analysis Essay. (creating, practising and more research -.-)
But now, they are all over! Complete! Done! Finished! And I can relax! And I did today, I slept in until 1. And did NOTHING all day. And that felt great. :)
That's all for now, because I am getting a headache from staring at the computer for hours. Hope you enjoyed my extremely uninteresting post about my boring and more or less average life.
Feel free to add a comment, and I will be most glad to have a discussion with you about the painful thing called school, and have an educated debate about who is better at procrastination >:D Anyways, until next time, Adios Amigos! :D :D :D :D
I will leave you with this most beautiful photo of my cat, which by the way I took myself :3
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Miles, my gorgeous cat :3 ♥ him |
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Lucid dreaming, Sleep paralysis and Hypnagogic hallucinations
So... my first blog post. It's about those things that happen when you go to sleep. Dreams. And things that affect these dreams, or things that can happen when you sleep.
So, I have had some strange experiences over the last couple of years, and I remember them all but never really dwell on them too much. I always thought them interesting things, but never anything that I could explain or ask about, due to the difficulty of explaining them to people, and to the fact that I've never heard stories from anyone I know that sound remotely like the experiences I had. So I put them in the back of my mind, always there to recall if the suited situation arose, and always in my memory but never deemed important, so never thought about very often.
Recently a friend put up a post on her facebook saying something along the lines of "I wish that I could lucid dream". I had never heard of lucid dreaming and didn't know what it was, so I looked at the comments. There were way too many to bother about reading, and the last couple I scanned over said something about dreams within dreams. I assumed this is what lucid dreaming was, and didn't place any further importance on that.
Then, today the words cropped up again somewhere on some internet page, and I was interested so I clicked the link, and many more after that, and read all about lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming is when you realise during a dream that you are dreaming. Usually the shock of this realisation wakes you up straight away. Inception, anyone? Like that scene where Leo has the initial interview with Ariadne, and when she realises that she's dreaming, it falls apart. But when you are lucid dreaming, you are able to stay in the dream, and sometimes even manipulate things in it to your choice. I realise now that this is what has happened tome on many occasions. I, unlike most people who lucid dream, did not train myself to do it, but instead it happened naturally. It is usually really cool when it happens, but can sometimes be scary, especially if you have a Hypnagogic hallucination.
Hypnagogic hallucinations are very difficult to explain, so if you go to this link it will be more informative than anything I can say. But it is kind of where you can feel these vibrations in a half awake, half dream state and you feel like there is something or someone there when there isn't. Sometimes this thing/person can be sinister, which is when it becomes a bit scary. Another thing that is very scary is sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis is related to hypnagogic hallucination, and is, in short, when either your body goes to sleep before your mind, or when your mind wakes up before your body. When you are experiencing sleep paralysis, you can go into a state of full body paralysis in which the only things that are functioning are your involuntary movements, such as blinking and breathing, and your mind. Usually, your mind registers this and you panic, which is often enough to wake up your body.
When I first experienced this, I couldn't move anything for a long while, so naturally I freaked out and a million thoughts flew through my head, the most dominant one being: I am dead. I have died, and am forced to be stuck in this bodiless state forever. It truly scared me, and I think it may have been one of the most fear-invoking experiences of my life.
People who have experienced sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucination sometimes believe that they have been abducted by aliens or possessed by demons. I once had this weird thing where I was dreaming, but also half conscious. Because I can't explain it, further info is below*.
So, I have had some strange experiences over the last couple of years, and I remember them all but never really dwell on them too much. I always thought them interesting things, but never anything that I could explain or ask about, due to the difficulty of explaining them to people, and to the fact that I've never heard stories from anyone I know that sound remotely like the experiences I had. So I put them in the back of my mind, always there to recall if the suited situation arose, and always in my memory but never deemed important, so never thought about very often.
Recently a friend put up a post on her facebook saying something along the lines of "I wish that I could lucid dream". I had never heard of lucid dreaming and didn't know what it was, so I looked at the comments. There were way too many to bother about reading, and the last couple I scanned over said something about dreams within dreams. I assumed this is what lucid dreaming was, and didn't place any further importance on that.
Then, today the words cropped up again somewhere on some internet page, and I was interested so I clicked the link, and many more after that, and read all about lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming is when you realise during a dream that you are dreaming. Usually the shock of this realisation wakes you up straight away. Inception, anyone? Like that scene where Leo has the initial interview with Ariadne, and when she realises that she's dreaming, it falls apart. But when you are lucid dreaming, you are able to stay in the dream, and sometimes even manipulate things in it to your choice. I realise now that this is what has happened tome on many occasions. I, unlike most people who lucid dream, did not train myself to do it, but instead it happened naturally. It is usually really cool when it happens, but can sometimes be scary, especially if you have a Hypnagogic hallucination.
Hypnagogic hallucinations are very difficult to explain, so if you go to this link it will be more informative than anything I can say. But it is kind of where you can feel these vibrations in a half awake, half dream state and you feel like there is something or someone there when there isn't. Sometimes this thing/person can be sinister, which is when it becomes a bit scary. Another thing that is very scary is sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis is related to hypnagogic hallucination, and is, in short, when either your body goes to sleep before your mind, or when your mind wakes up before your body. When you are experiencing sleep paralysis, you can go into a state of full body paralysis in which the only things that are functioning are your involuntary movements, such as blinking and breathing, and your mind. Usually, your mind registers this and you panic, which is often enough to wake up your body.
When I first experienced this, I couldn't move anything for a long while, so naturally I freaked out and a million thoughts flew through my head, the most dominant one being: I am dead. I have died, and am forced to be stuck in this bodiless state forever. It truly scared me, and I think it may have been one of the most fear-invoking experiences of my life.
People who have experienced sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucination sometimes believe that they have been abducted by aliens or possessed by demons. I once had this weird thing where I was dreaming, but also half conscious. Because I can't explain it, further info is below*.
What it is like:
If you can't see that, the top one is the mind saying ''What are you doing!?'' and the bottom one says ''Can't move my body...!''
Creepy artwork and images that have been created, inspired by sleep paralysis and/or hypnagogic hallucination:
*I have also had an experience like this, so if you found this post interesting, read the initial post on that forum to get an idea of what it's like, because I am just terrible at explaining it well.
Also, this resolved question on Yahoo! Answers is pretty close to what I had, with of course the difference being the situation in the half-dream.
On another note, I was reading a forum on this website, and none of it was what I was looking for, but the closest sentence to my experience was: "its kind of just a moment out of time when your body convulses in an almost fear-like representation of something you didn't experience, something that bypassed your consciousness and went straight into your nervous system." Taken from this link.
Thankyou for reading this, sorry it's so long. Hope you found it interesting! Feel free to share any of your sleep & dreaming experiences, or leave an opinion, via comments :)
Much love,
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