What? I am only just about to start my third week, and I am drowning in schoolwork ALREADY!? Maybe because I procrastinate so much. Procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate..... it's what I am doing right now, actually. This post is me veering off my music homework and revision, and don't even get me started on how much Maths I have to catch up on.
Many, if not all, students procrastinate at one time or another. It is for a few reasons, but they all come down to the same sort of thing. One reason is that what you are putting off is usually a big thing to accomplish and seems overwhelming to face it so you put it off endlessly. Another is whether you like what you are doing or not. For example, my Maths homework is last on my to do list because I dislike maths and do not want to do it at all, and my Music homework I am (well, supposedly) doing right now (yeah right, blog blog blog...) because I enjoy Music the most out of all of my subjects.
This enjoyment can sometimes but not always, come down to ability and skill in the field. I am good at Music, and I love it. I am okay at maths, and I despise it. But, exceptions, such as my liking of Chemistry despite my obvious inability to understand what the hell I am doing in the class, shows that this isn't always the case.
Another thing: Decision making. I am s**t at making decisions, I always have been wuite indecisive. Making decisions is scary for me because what feels right could be wrong, and that will b my own fault and I will feel ashamed if it is a group situation, and have let down my peers. I also hate making decisions because I often want both things, which I cannot always have.
And another: Distractions. Things you want to and would much rather do than your work.
Prioritising. Planning. Just do it. It's all meaningless really because I know exactly what I have to do, I just don't.
Now, fellow procrastinators, if you are running out of things to do instead of what you should, I share with you a list of things that I do. Not that you will, becuase procrastination is a built in skill with every mind and it should never fail to find ways to waste time.
- Blogging
- Youtube
- Looing up sexy pictures of David Tennant (idonotdothisit'sjustanexamplewhatareyoutalkingaboutstopaccusingme *shiftylook*)
- Scramble With Friends!
- Eating
- Eating
- Eating
- Reading
- Pondering life
- Showering
- Sleeping
- Going overboard with long posts
- Scouring the dark corners of the internet for every last trace of information on Johnny Depp
- Planning totally unnecessary cosplays
- Going to the post office to check if my eBay Cosplay items have arrived yet (which I know perfectly well they have not)
- Eating
- Gaming
- Playing cards
- Anything
- Writing lists of things that I need to do
- Researching psychological reasons for procrastination
- Looking up terrible jokes
"I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any."
Oops, it seems that a little of my procrastination has made it's way into this post!
Dear friends: Did I ever tell you guys that I love you? I love you. All of you. Yes, even you Psycho if you are reading this. ♥.♥ And Belle, and Ruby, and Prima, and Alex, and people who I don't even know who may be reading this. Except you. I don't like you, little man over there in the corner. But the rest of you I love.
LOL (Lots Of Love),
(AKA Emmr)